Selected Publications in Space Science
Terrestrial Exosphere
Cucho-Padin, G., Ferradas, C., Waldrop, L., Fok, M-C., Zoennchen, J., Kang, S-B. (2024). “The role of the terrestrial exosphere in the storm-time ring current decay’’. Front. Astron. Space Sci., Sec. Space Physics. (Under Revision)
Li, M-Y, Cucho-Padin, G., Oliveira, P., Glocer, A., Rojas-Villalba, E. (2024). “The response of the high-latitude ionospheric outflow to the dynamic terrestrial exosphere’’. Front. Astron. Space Sci., Sec. Space Physics. (Under Revision)
Zoennchen, J, Cucho-Padin, G., Waldrop, L., Fahr, H. (2024). “Comparison of terrestrial exospheric hydrogen 3D distributions at solar minimum and maximum using TWINS Lyman-alpha observations’’. Front. Astron. Space Sci., Sec. Space Physics. (Under Revision)
Cucho-Padin, G., Bhattacharyya, D., Sibeck, D., Connor, H., Youngblood, A. and Ardila, D. (2023). “EXOSpy: A Python Package to Investigate the Terrestrial Exosphere and its FUV Emission’’. Front. Astron. Space Sci., Sec. Space Physics.
Cucho-Padin, G., Godinez, H., Waldrop, L., Baliukin, I., Bhattacharyya D., Sibeck, D. and Henderson, M. (2023). “A New Approach for 4-D Exospheric Tomography Based on Optimal Interpolation and Gaussian Markov Random Field”. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.
Cucho-Padin, G., Kameda, S., and Sibeck, D. (2022). “The Earth’s Outer Exospheric Density Distributions Derived From PROCYON/LAICA UV Observations”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2021JA030211.
Cucho-Padin, G. and Waldrop, L. (2020a). “New Sensing Strategies for Estimation of Global Exospheric Density”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, 9, e2020JA028099.
Cucho-Padin, G. and Waldrop, L. (2019a). “Time-Dependent Response of the Terrestrial Exosphere to a Geomagnetic Storm”. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, pp 11661-11670.
Cucho-Padin, G., and Waldrop, L. (2018). “Tomographic Estimation of Exospheric Hydrogen Density Distributions”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 5119-5139.
Dayside Magnetosphere
Cucho-Padin, G., Connor, H., Jung, J., Shoemaker, M., Murphy, K., Sibeck, D., Norberg, J., & Rojas, E. (2024). “A feasibility study of 4-D tomography of soft X-ray magnetosheath emissivities using multi-spacecraft measurements’’. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 11, 1379321.
Cucho-Padin, G., Connor, H., Jung, J., Walsh, B., Sibeck, D. (2024). “Finding the magnetopause location using soft X-ray observations and a statistical inverse method’’. Earth and Planetary Physics: 1-20.
Radio Science
Cucho-Padin, G., Wang, Y., Li, E., Waldrop, L., Tian, Z., Kamalabadi, F. and Perillat, P. (2019c). “Radio Frequency Interference Detection and Mitigation using Compressive Statistical Sensing”. Radio Science, 54, pp 986-1001.
Cucho-Padin, G., Wang, Y., Waldrop, L., Tian, Z. and Kamalabadi, F. (2018). “Efficient RFI Detection in Radio Astronomy based on Compressive Statistical Sensing”. 6th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Anaheim, CA, USA, pp. 1109-1113. doi:10.1109/GlobalSIP.2018.8646517
Other Publications
Agricultural Remote Sensing
Cucho-Padin, G., Rinza, J., Ninanya, J., Loayza, H., Quiroz, R. and Ramirez, D. (2020b). “Development of an Open-source Thermal Image Processing Software for Improving Irrigation Management in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)”. MDPI-Sensors, 20, 2.
Cucho-Padin, G., Loayza, H., Palacios, S., Balcazar, M., Carbajal, M. and Quiroz, R. (2019b). “Development of Low-cost Remote Sensing Tools and Methods for Supporting Smallholder Agriculture”. Applied Geomatics, 12, pp 247-263.
Bo, A., Casas, L., Cucho-Padin, G., Hayashibe, M., Elias, D. (2021). “Control Strategies for Gait Tele-Rehabilitation System Based on Parallel Robotics”. MDPI-Applied Sciences, 11, 23.
Reategui, J., Cucho, G., Rodriguez, P., Callupe, R. and Madrid, E. (2013). “Handgrip Force Estimation Based on Total Variation Denoising Filtering for Control Applications”. 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Chania, Greece, pp. 1-5. doi:10.1109/BIBE.2013.6701587